Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Writing Examples

Various writing forms posted on the wall for students to refer to during Writer's Workshop.  This display allows students to recognize the formats of different writing and the components of each.

Paint Strip Vocabulary!

Great way to incorporate new vocabulary into writing!  You can brainstorm with the students "boring" word choices that would be on the lowest bar of the paint strip.  Students can then discuss other word choices that would be more interesting to use in their writing.  Creative way of displaying these words!

Non-Fiction Poster

This is the poster I have used since the beginning of the year in first grade. The kids helped me find each element to add from a non-fiction book we were reading about mail carriers. As the year goes on and their non-fiction text gets harder, we will add more!

Cute idea for passwords

Looking for a cute way to manage student's computer passwords??

YES, that is a shower curtain ring! A pack of 12 was on sale at Walmart for 75 cents! Each child has their user name and password written on a laminated card and they can flip through to find their own. This has saved me so many headaches when kids forget their passwords!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Popcorn Words!

Popcorn words are those words that keep popping up in what the kids are reading! I like to look through running records and select words that many kids are having difficulty with. The kids each have their own set to help them practice!

I have my own set to use when we play games (like around the world)! I got the cute container at Target for $1! :)

Feelings poster

I made this poster a few years ago to help my younger students understand what unfamilar feeling words meant. As you can see, we add new words when we come across them and use characters from our stories to help us remember what the words mean.

Click the link to get a copy!

Inferencing Game!

Fun game to use when teaching inferencing skills.  The teacher creates scenarios on each card in the deck.  Based on the scenario, students have to make an inference using what they know and what the passage is telling them.  Students then roll the dice to see how many spaces they move.  Any game pieces can be used.  The first student to reach the end is the winner!

Sight Word Search!

Here is a cute idea to help students learn and practice their sight words or sight word phrases. Put the words inside a container filled with pom poms or something else (the quieter the better). Students need to find all the words write them on their worksheet.

Click the link to get a copy of the worksheet I use!

Inferencing Umbrella!

Cute idea for inferencing lessons!  The umbrella allows students to recognize that inferencing is using backround knowledge and clues from the text to form an idea.  The captions under the umbrella are clues or ideas we may use when developing inferences about a text.

What does a fluent reader look like?

This fluency poster can help students recognize what it means to be a fluent reader.  It provides quick little reminders of what fluency should look like and sound like.